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The Diseases Connected to Mercury Fillings

Dr. David Kenned is an outspoken and intelligent critic of conventional dentistry, which provides scientific evidence about the effects of mercury-based “silver” fillings on our health.
In the following video, this brave man reveals the truth about mercury and the risks it imposes.
These are some facts you need to know about mercury amalgam fillings:
  1. Amalgam Fillings Release Highly Toxic Elemental Mercury
Mercury is one of the most toxic substances, and these fillings release it, which is primarily absorbed, as highly toxic elemental mercury vapor.
  1. Amalgam Fillings are related to Neurological Problems and Gastrointestinal issues
The findings of the first large-scale epidemiological study of mercury and its negative effects pointed out that it is linked to mouth disorders and bleeding gums, gastrointestinal issues, sleep disturbances, concentration issues, memory disturbances, lack of initiative, and restlessness.
  1. Brain Damage in Children
A team of the world’s top mercury researcher, in February 1998, announced that mercury from amalgam fillings can weaken the immune system, and cause permanent damage the brain, and kidneys in children.
  1. Mercury leads to Alzheimer’s Disease
Researchers, led by Dr. Boyd Haley, found a link between mercury and Alzheimer’s. They subjected rats to levels of mercury vapor diluted to account for size differences between humans and rats.
The rats developed tissue damage “indistinguishable” from that of Alzheimer’s. They found the same conclusion when they repeated the experiment. Dr. Haley said, “I’m getting the rest of my fillings taken out right now, and I’ve asked my wife to have hers replaced too.”
  1. Amalgam Fillings are the biggest mercury source so far
The World Health Organization issued a review of inorganic mercury in 1991, based on numerous Swedish studies, and found that mercury absorption is four times higher from amalgam fillings than from fish consumption, and the absorbed amount can greatly vary from person to person.
  1. The modern Amalgam Fillings are Unstable
The type of mercury fillings which have been used in the last 3-4 decades, non-gamma-2 (high copper), release many times more mercury than the older ones.

The Diseases Connected to Mercury Fillings The Diseases Connected to Mercury Fillings Reviewed by Chandan Dubey on August 08, 2019 Rating: 5
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